Progressive contact lenses help you get rid of reading glasses. Most people past about age 40 have trouble focusing at close distances. You can use reading glasses to solve the problem, but contact lenses offer another solution. Contacts may work for you even if you’ve never worn them before.
Until recently most bifocal contacts were hard lenses. Either that or you wore one lens with a close prescription and one lens with a longer vision prescription. Either option has serious disadvantages. Hard lenses aren’t exactly anything to look forward to. Wearing two different prescriptions is a sure way to depth perception problems and some fuzzy vision too. So what about soft contacts?
Now you can wear bifocal contacts even if you want soft contacts. Here’s how it works… The contacts are made with the prescription areas in rings. When you look out at a distance, you’re mostly looking through one area of the lens. When you look close, you’re looking through another area. The result is you get clear vision up close and far off and you get the same clear vision with each eye.
You can choose from several brands of contacts with this feature. The Acuvue Bifocal is one popular model. Another plus for these lenses is the comfort for the wearer. See the lens material is over half water. A contact lens floats on a layer of tears on your eye. With these high water contacts, you get more comfort and less problems. With a contact that’s mostly water, often you can hardly tell you wear contacts.
Your eye doctor will help you with your options for bifocal contacts, but soft contacts are often most comfortable. Comfortable lenses are much easier to wear and easier to get used too. That’s a big factor especially if you’re new to wearing contacts.