There are many types of contact lenses, and choosing the one that you like best can be a bit challenging. The different types of lenses carry different sets of advantages, so you might want to read on and decide on the type you like best.
Daily-wear soft contact lenses. These lenses are made of soft, flexible plastic. The plastic allows oxygen to pass through, which results in greater comfort for the wearer. Daily-wear soft lenses need to be cleaned daily, using a special solution.
Daily-wear disposable soft lenses. These lenses are similar to daily-wear soft lenses with the exception that they are designed to be used and discarded within the span of one day. Usually, new lenses are worn every morning and thrown away at night. Because you never keep a pair for more than a day, you will never have to clean your disposable soft lenses.
Extended-wear soft lenses. Extended-wear soft lenses are lenses used for overnight wear and beyond. You can wear extended-wear soft lenses for up to a week without removing them.
Extended-wear disposable soft lenses. These lenses are designed to be worn continuously for up to a week, and then discarded. Like other disposable lenses, they require little cleaning.
Planned replacement soft lenses. These are lenses that are replaced on a regular schedule, such as every two weeks, monthly, etc. The big advantage of replacing your lens regularly is that it assures you of clean, bacteria-free lenses.
Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) lenses. RGP lenses are a new generation of contact lenses. These lenses have silicone in them, which allows more oxygen to pass through, resulting in greater comfort and overall better eye health. RGP lenses are also more durable and provide better vision than do soft lenses.