When a lens pops out of a metal frame, it is quite often due to a chip in the lens. But a lens can also come loose when a screw holding the frame together has become stripped, has come loose or has fallen out of the frame entirely. Replacing the screw, even if a lens is chipped, can be done quite simply and also permanently. The process is quite easy and you only need a screw (a new one if you can’t find the original) and two other items.
things you’ll need:
A Screwdriver
A Bottle of Clear Nail Polish
A Screw
1 If the screw is still in the frame, back it out from the side of the frame which holds the loose lens with a small screwdriver (or knife tip). If you don’t have the screw, you will need to get one, either from a store-bought kit for glasses repair or pick a few up for free from any optician or store that sells glasses.
2 Set the lens aside while you coat the screw with clear nail polish.
3 Set the screw aside for a minute and place the lens inside the frame mount and press the metal frame around the lens for a snug fit.
4 Screw the still sticky screw back into the hole holding the frame snugly around the lens. Make sure here than you put the screw in very tightly because it will not be coming out!
5 With your hands, hold the frame and lens together for a few minutes to insure complete drying of the nail polish.
Tips & Warnings
This is a trick that has always been used by opticians where I worked and it works perfectly! Make sure you have the exact screw you want for your glasses before you start, since this fix is usually permanent!
Be careful not to get any nail polish on your lens, since this can ruin the lens and lens replacement is very costly. And in the event that your screw is stripped, you can always pick up a couple new screws for FREE at any optical shop. Keep a few available in case you have other glasses that need fixing any time. All screws are not exactly the same size, but many are interchangeable. Also, be sure that you have the color screw you desire because they come in various colors to match the various colored metal frames.