If you ever want to have a real hoot and confuse the hell out of your friends and family – why not grab a pair of colored contact lenses.
Did you know you can get them in just about any color and you can even get them with colored designs and different looks.
Seriously – you can take your dull, usual old brown eyes and change them into light blue, gray, green or even a lilac / purple color.
Now, you’ll have to get used to handling contact lenses – putting them into your eyes and worse still, taking them out at night time! (That one does take a bit of getting used to,)
They will also feel really weird and odd sitting in your eye, so much so that you’ll be very conscious of them to start with and will be mindful that you are wearing them.
But it’s the same as anything that has to do with the human body – after a little while the mind p[lays tricks on us and we start to settle down, the body becomes normalized to the new sensation and we adapt until we forget they are there.
Also quite a boon – the colored contact lenses do not cost that much – anywhere from $24 to $45 dollars for simple colors and up to $100 for the more involved and intricate designs or patterned lenses.
They will come in permeable form which means that the allow oxygen to pass through and into the eye, ensuring that the eye does not get dry and that the lenses stay comfortable. (But whatever you do, if they start to dry, use the correct fluid to rehydrate them, do NOT use saliva from your mouth as I have seen some people do!!)
Make sure that when you buy your color lenses they are coming from a reputable, trustworthy source and check them carefully before you put them anywhere near your eye.
Go for it – change your color and freak out a family member today!