Ten Ways to Prevent Eye Injuries at Work

Workplace eye injury is aprevalent phenomenon in industrial sites. Working on heavy-duty tasksevery day surrounded by dust, debris, chemicals and radiations put a lotat risk for an individual. Whether it be working on a constructionsite, mines or being in professions like machinery, plumbing orcarpentering, the need for prescription safety glasses is a priority. More often than not, people think wearing huge roundglasses are enough to cover their eyes and keep them safe. This is amyth, regular glasses do not provide your eyes with the same level ofprotection like safety glasses do, regardless of the size, durability ormaterial.

Eye protection is an essentialmeasure that you must take while working on heavy-duty tasks. Eyeinjuries can be counterproductive to the businesses as employees wouldspend their days at home for recovery. So it is the advantage of boththe parties, employee and employer to prioritize eye safety while atwork. So here’s what can be done in regards with eye safety atworkplaces:

1. Invest in a pair of safety glasses

Work conditions where flying particles or dust are frequenthazards demand the use of safety glasses. Various types of safetyglasses come with protective side shields to provide a little broadershield against debris. Then there are other safety glasses that providesafety against chemicals. These glasses provide a tight shield over theeyes that ensures that splashes of liquid chemicals don’t enter youreyes or come in contact with the area around it.

Checkout our range of quality safety glasses on our onlinestore CA Glasses that provide you supreme level of comfort at anaffordable price.

2. First-aid kits

Employees working inindustrial workplaces have to engage in heavy-duty tasks and so they areprone to get injuries. These workplaces must have a comprehensive firstaid kit to address any work-related injuries, especially they must haveeyewash and eye drops readily available. Not just industrial workplacesbut all must have first aid kits at hand to address any injuries atwork.

Eyes are sensitive, they needextra care when injured. Eyewash will help in a rinse in case of minorirritation caused by grit or dust. However, the more severe eye injuriessuch as exposure to chemicals or acids, a foreign object’s penetrationin the eye must be treated by visiting a nearby hospital.

3. Test the existing vision problems

Conductan eye test camp at your workplace or encourage employees to do it.Vision problems are one of the major reasons that can contribute toaccidents at work. Take an initiative and incorporate vision testing atyour workplace. Incorporate vision testing on an individual level aswell in routine physical examination. Provide customised prescriptionsafety glasses to the employees who have vision problems.

4. Have comfortable eyewear

Comfortshould be the priority while choosing the right safety eyeglasses.Workers will refrain from wearing the eyeglasses unless they fitproperly and are comfortable while they are working. And that will alsomake the use of eye protection at all times possible. Eye careprofessionals are trained to design such glasses. Workplaces should alsobe well equipped with maintaining safety eyewear. Workers must betaught to be responsible for their own safety eyewear.

5. Reduce hazards at workplaces

Workplaces that take safety measures on apriority will encourage their workers to avoid and eliminate hazards.Having safety measures like transparent shields around tools and inareas where workers are at risk is a way of reducing the possibilitiesof getting injuries. This also ensures that employees are not solelyrelying on RX safety glasses to protect their eyes.

Additionally, giving theworkers knowledge about the hazards specific to your workplace isanother way to reduce hazards. Incorporate rules and regulations thatencourage general safety.

6. Keep your safety eyeglasses lenses clean

Wearingsafety glasses while working can turn bad in no time if workers end uprisking their life with blurred lenses. Eyewear must give the workers aclear view so as to be truly effective. Organizations must considercertain things such as providing anti-scratch safety glasses especiallyin workplaces where there’s a lot of dust and grit constantly in theair. And if your workplace also requires you to work outdoors sometimesthen you must invest in eyewear that provides you protection fromharmful UV rays.

7. Educate on the need for safety wear

Heavy-dutyworkplaces require safety wear primarily, knowledge about the same isalso imperative. Add eye safety topics to the periodic employee trainingprograms, which will help establish and reinforce the need forprotective eyewear at work.

8. Review

After setting up the eyeprotection program it becomes your job to regularly review and updateyour accident prevention policies. The goal of the organisation shouldbe the prevention of eye injuries in all areas of the workplace.

9. Display preventive tips in writing

Once the safety program iscreated ensure to put it in writing. Display the copy of the policy inwork areas and areas where employees gather.

10. Provide support

Management support isessential for a successful eye safety program. Wearing safety eyewearwhenever and where-ever needed indicates their support.

In Summary

Individuals working in anindustrial environment require safety for their eyes to keep themprotected from debris, dust particles, chemicals, and radiation. Safetyglasses make it easier for you to work in such an environment. Visit ouronline store CA Glasses today for the best offers on quality safety glasses at affordable prices.

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