How to Get Glue Off of Plastic Eyeglasses

Eyeglasses allow those with less than perfect vision to see the world around them more clearly and sharply. They are generally available with either plastic or glass lenses. According to Refractive Source, plastic is the better lens choice since it is lighter and less expensive then glass lenses. Glue can damage any type of glasses when it comes in contact with the lenses. With quick action and the correct tools, you can remove the glue without harming the plastic eyeglasses.

things you’ll need:
Small container
Dish soap
Soft cloth
Micro-fiber cloths
Small bowl
Cotton swab
Water-displacing spray
1 Fill a shallow container or sink with warm water. Add several drops of dish soap to the warm water and mix the contents together with your hands. Place the plastic eyeglasses in the soapy water. Be sure to submerge the area with the glue in the water and let it soak for 10 minutes. Carefully wipe off the softened glue with a soft cloth. Let the eyeglasses soak for several minutes if you find it difficult to remove the glue. Rinse the lenses clean and dry with a micro-fiber cloth.

2 Fill a small bowl with acetone. Dip the tip of a cotton swab in the acetone. Carefully rub the glue off the plastic eyeglasses with the damp swab. Rinse the acetone immediately off the lenses and dry with a micro-fiber cloth. If left for an extended period, the acetone may dissolve any coatings present on the plastic eyeglasses. A safer solvent is known as nitromethane which is found in de-bonders at many hobby and craft stores.

3 Dampen a clean, micro-fiber cloth with water-displacing spray and gently rub the glue off the plastic eyeglasses. Continue rubbing — while applying more water-displacing spray if needed — with the cloth for several passes until you have removed all traces of the glue. Rinse the plastic eyeglasses clean with cool, running water and wipe dry with a clean micro-fiber cloth.

Tips & Warnings
You can find acetone in many commercial nail polish removers.
Consider taking your plastic eyeglasses to an eyeglass center and have the glue removed professionally.

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