How to Make Your Own Eyeglass Cleaner for Coated Lenses

There are four major types of eyeglass lens coatings. Scratch resistant coating is applied to both the front and back of eyeglass lenses to create a hard, scratch proof surface. Mirror coatings are highly reflective, color coatings that are added to lenses, and ultraviolet protective (UV) coatings protect the eyes from the dangerous ultraviolet rays of the sun. Anti-reflective coatings block reflective light. Your eyeglasses need to be cleaned regularly regardless of their coating and homemade cleaners can be just as effective as expensive, commercial lens cleaners.


Things You’ll Need:
Spray bottles
Squeeze bottles
Distilled water
Dish soap
Isopropyl alcohol
White vinegar
Soft cloth
Castile soap
Sassafras oil
A pot for boiling

1 Fill a small squeeze bottle with distilled water. Add a few drops of dish soap to the distilled water and shake. Squeeze a few drops of the distilled water solution onto a soft cloth and clean your coated lenses.

2 Pour enough isopropyl alcohol into a small spray bottle to just cover the bottom of the bottle. Fill the remainder of the spray bottle with distilled water and give the bottle a shake. Spray each lens with the alcohol solution and wipe the lenses with a clean, soft cloth.

3 Put 8 ounces of distilled water to a spray bottle, then add 2 ounces of white vinegar and an ounce of isopropyl alcohol. Shake the bottle and spray each lens. Wipe the lenses with a clean, soft cloth.

4 Cut a quarter of a bar of castile soap into small pieces, add just enough water to cover the soap and bring to a boil. Stir continuously at a slow boil for five minutes and then add a tablespoon of glycerin and one-half teaspoon of sassafras oil. Remove from heat and allow the mixture to cool. Pour into a squeeze bottle and squeeze a small amount onto a soft cloth to clean your coated lenses.

5 Mix 2 ounces of ammonia and 8 ounces of isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle. Shake well and give each lens a spritz. Wipe each lens with a soft cloth.

Tips & Warnings
Try combining the distilled water and alcohol recipe with a few drops of dish soap to make an effective coated-lens cleaner.
Do not use paper towels or tissues to clean your coated eyeglass lenses. The paper fibers can cause minor scratching on the surface, which can inhibit clarity.
Use light pressure when cleaning your lenses. Pressing too hard can loosen the lens and even result in scratching..

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