These days there are various kinds of refurbished night vision goggles that are available in the market. These are basically used for security purposes as they improve the visibility during the night. Most of the night vision goggles work in two ways. The first is by using enhancement of image and the second is by employing thermal imaging.
The most advanced night vision goggles make use of both ways that ensures a better perception and clarity. Any normal night vision goggle allows us to see anything in darkness at a distance of around 250 feet.
Refurbished goggles are generally used by police or the military for their missions. However, an individual can also purchase it for their personal use. The commercial night vision goggles have different grades according to the requirements. There are various generations to which each of these night vision goggle belongs.
Until now there has been 4 generations of goggles ranging from Gen 1 to Gen 4. This categorization has been done on the basis of their light intensifier tube. Out of these, Gen 4 is the latest one and is the expensive of them all. It employs precision optics for a more clear vision in the darkness.
It is the light intensifier tube in a refurbished night vision goggles, which executes its main function. It enables the target to be viewed easily at night. These are very lightweight, portable and easy to use. Some of the most advanced generation of refurbished night vision goggles are light and small viper goggles.
There are many others night vision goggles such as military issue AN PVS-7. Wildlife observations, hunting, boating and for security is the main purposes for which these night goggles are used. Besides this, there are also night vision binoculars and night vision cameras that are available in the market