What is Astigmatism and How Can Astigmatism Contact Lenses Help?

You surely are able to stop using contacts lenses. It takes work but it is worth it. If you are prepared to put twenty or so minutes regularly every day either before or after you put in your contacts then it is possible, even probable, that you will be able to leave them out altogether within a few short weeks. All you need is a pair of Pinhole Glasses.

Imagine this. You live in the tropics, say the island of Okinawa, in the Ryukyu Islands of Japan. It is early winter. The ambient temperature is 25 degrees Celsius. You are hot and sweaty. Your eyes are irritated from wearing your contacts. The white sands of the pacific beckon, the turquoise sea looks cool and inviting. You decide to have a swim and drive down to your favorite beach, strip off and take out your contact lenses. The water is cooling on the skin, your eyes are soothed by the salt water and the day feels better. You think how can I get rid of my contact lenses? How can I improve my eyesight?

You go back to the car, not bothering to dress but staying in your swimming trunks and leaving your shirt open at the neck. You are now relaxed and feeling full of energy. As you open your lens case it slips from your hand. The lenses in side fall onto the bright white sand. The brightness of the sand makes your eyes water and you cannot see the contact lenses to find them, wash them and replace them in your eyes. You know you cannot drive home without them and you’ve left your back up spectacles behind. The only recourse is to phone a friend to give you a lift. You wish that you could improve your eyesight, but how?

Now picture the scenario after only a few short weeks. You’re still hot and sweaty and the Pacific is just as inviting. The beach is till there, white and shining with the turquoise water lapping on the sand. The water is cool and refreshing but this time your eyes aren’t sore and irritated. This time you simply take off the sunglasses you normally wear to look cool, change and dive straight in. After you have had your fill you go back to the car, climb in and drive home. No longer are you a slave to your lenses. Your Pinhole Glasses have released you from contact lens bondage.

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Contact Lenses – Soaring in Popularity
Prescription Grey Contact Lenses and White Eye Contacts
Theatrical Eyes With Gray Eye Contacts Or White Contact Lenses

Materials and Maintenance Tips for Contact Lenses
Circle Contact Lenses – Illegal in the USA and Dangerous
Bifocal Contact Lenses – Curing Presbyopia
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